PEARL Multidisciplinary Journal

A Study on the Level of Self Esteem of Students with Low Academic Performance


Self-esteem has long been considered an essential component of good mental health. It is a widely used concept both in popular language and in psychology. It refers to an individual’s sense of his or her value or worth, or the extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates, praises, or likes him or herself (Blascovich and Tomaka, 1991). The investigator personally is interested to work with teenagers and had come across some children, who found it difficult to cope with academics due to problems like comparison between the siblings and too much expectation from the parents.

Objectives of the Study were to understand the Socio-Economic background of Respondents, to assess the level of self esteem of the Respondents, to assess the co-relation between Self-Esteem and Academic Performance and to assess the level of Self-Esteem and Academic Performance between boys and Girls. The research design of the study is descriptive in nature. The aim is to study the level of self esteem of the students with low academic performance. The Universe of the study includes, students (aged 13-15) studying in High school in the district of Serchhip and Aizawl in Mizoram and Dimapur in Nagaland and have achieved low marks (below 60%) and failed in one or more subjects would be the population for the present study. The sample would be selected from 3 private schools (15 each). The Simple Random sampling techniques of probability sampling would be used to draw out the sample. The Researcher will concentrate on collecting primary data by questionnaire methods. Keeping in mind the observation as a supportive tool while meeting them and seeing their progress reports. The secondary data will be obtained from the books, magazines, reports, school records and websites. The following tools will be used to measure the variables

Vast Majority of 75.6 percent of the total respondents do have high self esteem. The reason could be the environment where they are grown, their friends circle and also other opportunities to shine.

Parents’ income impact on self esteem via academic performance: It is argued that social class is mediated in a cultural level, which in turn determines family expectation, values and attitudes regarding education. Pearson’s correlation test was applied for the above variables. There is no significant relationship between Self-esteem and Academic Performance of the Respondents



Self Esteem, Academic Performance, Parents’ Income

Author Affiliations

Meena Monteiro

School of Social Work, Mangalore


February 2018

Volume 4

No 1