The Journal invites submission of articles in the following disciplines:

  1. Commerce and Accounting Management
  2. Physics
  3. Social Work
  4. Economics
  5. Chemistry

Guidelines for Contributors:

  • The manuscripts could be in any of the following four categories
    • Abstract : 200 word limit
    Journal Articles: 4000 word limit
    Professional and practice forum : 3000 word limit
    Research briefs: 2000 word limit
    Book Reviews: 1500 word limit
  • The manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft word format with Times New Roman font 1.5 spaced in A4 page format. Title should be in sentence case format font 14 pt bold, body 12 pt and author`s names must be accompanied by affiliation and personal Email Id.
  • Each manuscript should be accompanied with a declaration by all the authors that:
    • They are the authors of the manuscript in the order in which listed
    • The manuscript is original, has not been published earlier, and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • If the author has quoted more than 500 words/a table/a figure from a published work, in the manuscript, a copy of permission obtained from the respective copyright holder needs to be enclosed.
  • The manuscript will be peer reviewed by two anonymous reviewers and the editorial board will take the final decision of accepting the manuscript or not for publication.

The criteria for peer reviewing will be as follows:

  1. Contemporary relevance and contribution to respective knowledge field.
  2. Clarity in thinking and content with logical analysis.
  3. Methodology for research papers and appropriate references.
  4. Originality
  5. Language
  • The copy right of the manuscript will be exclusively assigned to the Journal once the manuscript is accepted for publication. Reprint of the same requires written permission from the editor.
  • Reference: The citation or paraphrasing from other works should be supported by the author`s explanation and logical continuation should be maintained throughout. Using the works of others without citing the source is plagiarism and fraud and author will be solely responsible for any act of such plagiarism which would be legally binding upon him/her.
  • Reference format:
    • Book: Author`s last name, initials, year of publication, title of the book (underlined/italicised), place of publication and name of the publisher.
      For example: Kurtz, L. F. (1997). Self-help and support groups: A handbook for practitioners, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    • Edited book: Author`s last name, initials, year of publication, name of the article, initials and last name of editors, Ed./s. in parentheses, title of the book (underlined/italicized), place of publication, name of the publisher and page numbers.
      For example: Merta, R. (1995). Group work. In J. Ponterotto, J. Casas, L. Suzuki, and C. Alexander, (Eds.), Handbook of multicultural counseling, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. 567-585.
    • Journal articles: Author`s last name, initials, year of publication, name of the article, name of the journal (underlined/ italicized), volume number, issue number in parentheses, and page numbers. For example; Kim T. Mueser, David P. Vabutines and Julia.
      For example: Agresta (1997), Coping with negative symptoms of schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 23(2): 329-339.
    • Institutional report: Write full name of the institute as the author.
      For example: National Mental Health Association (2001), Mental Health center, Alexandria.
    • More than one author: List all the author`s names.
      For example: Mueser, K.T., Valentiner, D. P., Agresta, J., (1997). Coping with negative symptoms of schizophrenia: patient and family perspectives. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 23(2): 329-39.
    • More than one reference of the same author: list the earlier publication before the later publication.
      For example: Lefley, H. P. (1990). Culture and chronic mental illness, Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 41(3): 277-286.
      Lefley, H. P. (1992). Expressed emotion; conceptual, clinical and social policy issues. Hospital and Community Psychiatry,43(6): 591-598.
    • When a reference has no author: type the first two to three words, ellipses and year and the name of the work and publisher could be followed.
      For example: The problems of respite (1997). Stepping stone crisis respite program, NEC Newsletter, 10.
    • When a reference has no year: state no date in place of the year.
      For example: Murthy Srinivasa R.(ed.) no date Mental health in India, People`s Action for Mental Health, Bangalore.
  • Colour art work: Please make sure that artwork files are in acceptable format and with the correct resolution.
  • Figure captions: Ensure that each illustration has a caption. A caption should comprise a brief title and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used.
  • Tables: Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place footnotes to tables below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters. Avoid gridlines in the formation of tables.
  • Number System: No bullets permitted. Use only regular numbers.
    Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the articles of this Journal is those of the individual authors and not of the publishers.
    Reviewers’ Guidelines: Reviewers’ Guidelines are disclosed only to the respective reviewers
  • Peer-review and publication policy:
  • 1. Every manuscript received is send to two subject experts for blind peer review and the their comments are validated in accepting the manuscript for publication.

    2. A certificate of appreciation is given to reviewers on demand and no honorarium is paid.

    3. The confidentiality and anonymity of the reviewer is maintained throughout the process of publication.

    4. The PEARL Multidisciplinary Journal is bi annual and it is published in February and August every year.

    5. The copy right of the manuscript will be exclusively assigned to the Journal once the manuscript is accepted for publication. Reprint of the same requires written permission from the editor.

    6. The manuscript will be peer reviewed by two anonymous reviewers and the editorial board will take the final decision of accepting the manuscript or not for publication.
  • Ethics policy:
  • 1. Each manuscript should be accompanied with a declaration by all the authors that:
    • a. They are the authors of the manuscript in the order in which listed.
    • b. The manuscript is original, has not been published earlier, and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
    2. If the author has quoted more than 500 words/a table/a figure from a published work, in the manuscript, a copy of permission obtained from the respective copyright holder needs to be enclosed.

    3. The author is responsible for the opinion collected from any person or institute and the author should get informed consent of the subject.

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